tirsdag, januar 24, 2006
onsdag, januar 11, 2006
Nordic Skiing

As we have the skislopes on our door step I decided to take a break from the renovation work and get some fresh air, very convinient! Things are progressing quite slowly in the house but I manage to get a small job done every day, this evening Haakon got his new wardrobe and tomorrow its Selmas turn. I am dreading a bit to start the next big project, the bathroom!! It gone hurt the bankacount thats for sure, so I will do most of the work myself.
The new job is nice, but stil a bit hard to tell as I have only been there for about two weeks and are not compleatly up to speed yet, but the colleages are really nice, and the gye next to me is Polish (Zbig) so thats nice as I really got to like the Polish after working with them for the last 3 years. Well now I will try and get some sleep so I am ready for tomorrow.